LENGTH: 262cm
WOOD: Bluegum Eucalyptus
BELL: 180mm?
LOUDNESS@10CM: empty
MASS: empty
FINISH: inner:oilwax, outer:oil+wax
INLAYING: fuchsite, black fish fossil


This is one of our Epic ones. One of two, to be more precise. A sibling to Oldhar. Class of Avatar. Words fail me in trying to present my perception of this kind of didgeridoo.

ArcheoAnimA was created in the time of Oldhar, started a bit before and ended a bit after. So it is probably the didgeridoo we have actively been doing the longest. I don’t remember anymore exactly, but it is probably possible to fully make a didgeridoo or two (of a normal size) in the same time that was needed just to sand ArcheoAnimA with all its carvings. This was our journey into extreme. We tried to go longer, bigger, more powerful, more detailed and with adequate looks all at once. I remember chiseling AAA very slowly, drilling it twice, perceiving every little change as dramatic, walking this path for a long time… until I found the Sound of the Sea. And then I stopped. I remember the day well… It was very stormy weather. I felt that both nature and I have had something accumulated and needed to release it.

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Thunders were roaring while I was chiseling deep. In the dark, with only one small light so I can see deeply. I was totally into it, into the game of shape and sound. I deliberately did not want to turn on my tuner, but I wanted to do the last steps of the making from the body, from the feeling, from the lost and forgotten senses we must have once had as there are still some traces… So my last moves of chisel were swift, deep, shallow, light, while lightnings lively brought the atmosphere of great anticipation. When I finished and felt that this was it, part of my ceiling collapsed onto me… in this dark, I did not know what happened, but it was like being in a movie of some kind… Luckily not “Alien”. But ArcheoAnimA.

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AAA was finished from my side and I passed it on to Da. She had spent month after month carefully bringing the inner sea of sound into outside waves and wings, fangs and fins… AAA symbolizes the Life Form Bringer, the opposite but inseparable from Oldhar. It is the sea and at the same time the rising sea which takes form of every creature inside itself.

I’d like not to present you the sound in terms of numbers and freqs as this lacks poetics for my mood at the moment, but I invite you to listen. And hear.

Audio sample BASIC ( What can I hear in Duende audio samples? )

Audio sample FREESTYLE

AAA has great air volume inside. This is always more challenging to control than less voluminous didgeridoos. But I really tried to make AAA very playable, as close it can get to normal didgeridoo while still having huge resonator box. This meant very good ratio between the part before the resonator box and the resonator box, in case we want to perceive didgeridoos in two parts. Surprisingly, I did not get very strong air code. And the most difficult to get used to, for me, were the toots. Unusual places, a bit unusual impedances… There is a greater directness than what I expected with a didgeridoo this big. Apart from that there were no sound surprises. Please listen to the sound of AAA instead of me trying to explain.

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I can’t find the measurements of AAA in my magical book of didgeridoos. I must have written it somewhere else… but this is why there are some missing links in the description. But I can tell you that AAA is quite heavy. Around 15kg, so it is difficult to move. I remember it looked a bit unreal in the room, especially if you tried to perceive it as a didgeridoo. We used dramatic parts of wood and tried to emphasize them… in order to get movement and something that goes out of its form. This is not a trivial task, given the condition that it still needs to be a straight tube ( because it is drilled) inside which is really shape determining.

The wood of AAA is from the biggest log of Eucalyptus we’ve got. The same wood of Oldhar, Guliver and Moytze… The log was around 1.5 tons, belonged to a long dead and forgotten Bluegum tree that even managed to survive fire after it was dead… I really enjoy its sound and spirit. I thank this tree for giving me its body for new spirits to be born. I thank ArcheoAnimA for teaching me the inexpressible about didgeridoo.