Magius combines perfectly so many aspects of didgeridoo playing that I find sacred in one compact package of pure didgeridoo excellence. It is our new didgeridoo model that we offer in keys of A1- D2 and vast variety of wood. This is a super high end didgeridoo that offers unprecedented level of comfort of playing combined with supreme sound and tuning [...]

Sumo is our vision of the next generation Duende Didgeridoo. It comes with a set of new superpowers. Sumo is the master of soft drumming, singing and old-school fat sound. At the same time, it combines incredible versatility and comfort of playing. Sumo is made in beautiful wood and sounds way bigger than its compact size should allow. It is one of the most important didgeridoos we have ever designed. “[...]”
Imagine Tibetan horn, but in wood, with more space in air column and more warmth in sound and greatly tuned “toots”. Imagine immense power and super clear harmonics. Now imagine volume that shakes the neighbourhood. You are getting there, now imagine more of everything and you are even closer. [...]
Atmos is a didgeridoo that has a mellifluous, warm, rich baritone voice that is able to charm any chakra at will. Do not take that statement easily, it that kind of flowing honey that takes you away in the moment as it fills the inner and outer space. It is the feeling of breath and sound as one[...]
Dubron is an oaken didgeridoo spanning 211cm of pure C power and agility. Our latest golden class didgeridoo is a result of a search for what is beyond power of Moytze and what is still a compact and highly articulated didgeridoo. Dubron is a didgeridoo which is very easy to play for its size, as the backpressure is fairly high [...]
A blend of contemporary tongue articulation practice and traditional and avantrad textures. The nature of this beast is that it likes to be pushed and then it will truly shine. Amazingly high overtones, amazing sensitivity to all tongue movements. Superloud- good for busking, very rich and precise – good for recording! [...]
This didgeridoo we made in search of good closed tube response and good aircode response. The result is quite a soft, comfortable didgeridoo to play. There is something extraordinary about the easiness the lips maintain tension on the drone. It is a correlation between the mouthpiece size which is fairly small and backpressure which is fairly high for the key. ” [...]”
For a long while I have been specializing in the art of long didgeridoos. At some point I have realized my skills for making a shorter didgeridoo are lagging. So I chose a very moderately sized log of an unknown (to me) Australian Eucalyptus species and I said to myself. OK, is it possible to bring this log to the moment where precision, power and aliveness meet? [...]
I wanted to combine almost uncombineable. I wanted to combine the Stinkirum kind of kick with this speed of articulations. You see this two aspects are already getting one against the other. As it is difficult to achieve the fullness of the “kick” with very small volume…. Next… to make things even more interesting I wanted to make a deep didgeridoo that could read very well the articulations of traditional way of playing. “[...]”