Magius combines perfectly so many aspects of didgeridoo playing that I find sacred in one compact package of pure didgeridoo excellence. It is our new didgeridoo model that we offer in keys of A1- D2 and vast variety of wood. This is a super high end didgeridoo that offers unprecedented level of comfort of playing combined with supreme sound and tuning [...]
Sumo is our vision of the next generation Duende Didgeridoo. It comes with a set of new superpowers. Sumo is the master of soft drumming, singing and old-school fat sound. At the same time, it combines incredible versatility and comfort of playing. Sumo is made in beautiful wood and sounds way bigger than its compact size should allow. It is one of the most important didgeridoos we have ever designed. “[...]”
This is one of our Epic ones. One of two to be more precise. A sibling to Oldhar. Class of Avatar. Words fail me in trying to present my perception of this kind of didgeridoo. ArcheoAnimA was created in the time of Oldhar, started a bit before and ended a bit after. So it is probably the didgeridoo we have been actively doing the longest… This was our journey into extreme… [...]
Special didgeridoos are always difficult to describe. But “Oldhar the Celestial Traveler” puts this quest to a whole different level. 8 months of intensive making, thousand changes and experiments, thousand stones and little details, thousand hours, thousand prayers, thousand thrills… this didgeridoo is all in thousands compared to ordinary didgeridoo experiences [...]
Didgeridoo making process can be a routine, but it can also be a mystical journey. Sometimes there is only a thin line in between. What makes this thin line? A mistake, of course. So it was a very lucky and precious mistake that made La Fluanta. It resulted in quite an extreme resonator box. Which finally resulted in quite an extreme bass and perfect fifth for a first toot. It opens up a whole new world [...]
Extreme Dream E was one of the most used Duende didgeridoos in my own Spring/Summer tour 2010. It was so because of its especially nice toot relations, and magnificent playability. The EDE was made as an experiment of new didgeridoo sound with good playability as an important added condition. Sound was unexpected in certain aspects. I was amazed by the amount of detail in higher mid frequencies. [...]
The reason into venture to make this didgeridoo was further exploration of the “Archangel” shape, on smaller instruments. In this case, this exploration was very rewarding. Sound of this didgeridoo is so thick it can move a brick, so warm, so full, so dark, it is oozing with character and it is beautiful to play and look. You will recognize the effect big chamber of this didgeridoo has on the sound right away… [...]
duende didgeridoo 2017.   ●   ||   ●   powered by: wordpress   ||   graphic-art by: Danka   ||   made by: pootzko