This story started in 1979. For both, Danka and Dubravko Lapaine and.


Dubravko Lapaine had a life going in many directions, one could never tell he would become a didgeridoo player, not as profession, but as a life mission.

Du was quite successful at school, often in all kinds of competitions, finishing primary school as ‘the pupil of the generation’- he continued to expand his knowledge in all directions. Mathematics was his most successful field, but he also enjoyed physics, philosophy, literature, Latin, biology, psychology – although he found it easier to be more creative outside of any ‘subject’, in the place called life.

After high school, Dubravko finished mathematics and started his PhD education.

However, life had a funny game going on. Du’s father was a piano player and a mathematician. At one point in his life he had to choose between the two and chose mathematics, for it showed a clearer perspective. It was a hard decision for him, though. Not to let his son have to make such a difficult decision, he never told Du to attend a music school, and he was one of very few in the family who never had any musical education.

Thus, life played a game with Du, who stopped his PhD studies at half of the process, left his job and education to follow this call of being completely devoted to didgeridoo explorations. He found lots of support on his way.


Da is an even more extreme example than Du. Danka was really into learning, so she was pupil of the generation in the most demanding high school, and she did the same at the Faculty of Architecture. So one would have to believe that a great career in architecture was in front of this woman.

However, finding her happiness much more in nature and natural doings, she had difficulties in fitting into the architectural business machine. Thus, she also quit her job and started to explore didgeridoo, painting, carving, natural building, musical management and other things of free form. So Danka is now more reminiscent to a Renaissance woman than a modern working entity.


Together they complement perfectly in didgeridoo making. You can thank Du for his long pursue in perfection of didgeridoo sound, as well as for all the innovations which were either inspired by playing craziness or just by plain craziness. Due to his speed and energy, things that take eternally long to be done are done in a finite, but huge, amount of time. You can thank Danka for precision and fine things about their work. The drilling precision, the milling precision, the joining precision, the finishing perfection. She is also the slowdown and quality control factor of Duende Didgeridoo and makes things more pleasant to you.



Work and workshop story