Playing position is something no player should neglect. It reflects on the quality of playing as well as health of the player.

I can state the following from experience.

If you play a lot from your diaphragm, and by that I don’t mean a little lot, but a lot lot, it will be much easier for you to sit. Now that you’ve sat, your diaphragm is not shaking you as much when you play. Now where are your legs? If they are crossed, normally, or in lotus, you will probably get numb legs after a while. But your back is actually the part to have postponed but severe consequences of such sitting – with unnecessary stress slowly destroying it. You can solve this problem with one simple move of a ninja. Put something underneath your bottom to sit on, to elevate you at least 15 cm from the ground. Get a good line in the spine.

Do not sit on something high with no support for the didgeridoo, because you will have to lean forward to play the instrument due to its direction, especially if it is a shorter instrument. Supports for the didgeridoo are also very important in keeping your back around shoulder blades happy. Maybe you don’t feel it from little playing, but once you play more than 5 hours a day, you will clearly have a problem of holding a didgeridoo. And if you play more than 8 hours, you will probably find the didgeridoo impossible to hold because of back pain at the shoulder blade level. Therefore, it is good to get support for your instrument to partially or completely reduce stress from holding it. If you don’t want to invest into buying or building a didgeridoo stand, you can put a chair underneath your didgeridoo.

One can also sit on a chair. But to be in a proper position on a chair, the end of the instrument must be elevated at least to the level of the sitting part of the chair. Otherwise, the player is too bent in the abdominal or neck area.

Needless to say, the spine is quite an essential part of all vertebrata, and you will do yourself a great favor if you take care of it.
