About Little Weird Prince

Galaxy is a word that defines this instrument well, from the first breath I had in mind an image of explosion as a universe appears to me. This is the first time in over 15 years that I am in didgeridoo world that I come across a tool like this. I was looking for a long instrument with the ability to collect the power to play trad but with a relatively low note. It’s simple instrument has the playability of a didgeridoo in F but in C #. It also responds well to soft play low vibrations vocalizations as well as the big shots of diaphragm. The roundness of toots is really impressive as well as their playability. Sequence of one after the other and transition toot / extra vibration. The implementation of the tongue play combined with deep note of the instrument gives an incredible volume just where all the small articulations are audible. And the same level backpressure, one could expect a difficult instrument but on the contrary… in short: A HUGE heart for the Little Weird Prince to take you by the hand and show you everything that an instrument out of common is able to …

(French original)
Galaxie est un mot qui définirait bien cet instrument, dès le premier souffle j’ai eu en tête une image d’explosion comme un univers qui s’ouvre à moi. C’est bien la première fois en plus de 15ans de didgeridoo que je tombe sur un instrument comme celui ci. Je recherchais depuis longtemps un instrument ayant la possibilité d’encaisser la puissance de jeu trad mais avec une note relativement basse. C’est simple cet instrument possède la jouabilité d’un didgeridoo en Fa mais dans un Do#. Il répond aussi bien aux jeux doux des vibrations faibles avec des vocalises comme aux gros coups de diaphragme. La rondeur des toots est vraiment impressionnantes tout comme leurs exécutions. Enchaînement des uns après les autres et transition toot/vibration extra. L’exécution du jeux de langues alliée à la note grave de l’instrument donne un volume juste incroyable, où toutes les petites articulations sont audibles. Et même niveau Backpression, on pourrait s’attendre à un instrument difficile et bien non… en bref: Un ENORME coup de cÅ“ur pour ce petit prince bizarre pour vous prendra par la main pour vous montrer tout ce qu’un instrument hors du commun est capable de faire…

Gregory, France (2014)


About Moytze

In brief, Moytze is a super didge!

The sound is very rich and well-defined. The drone consists of so many different layers of sound that together really please the ears. An aspect important to me is its versatility. It can be played slow and fast; it can be played hard and soft. The drone will always be powerful and safe by your side. Another aspect of versatility: Every little change in playing style is answered by the didge with different shades of sounds. It seems like Moytze invites the player to explore it more. Great, it is a wonderful all-round didge!

Moytze is really beautiful, I like it a lot. Your internet presentation definitely did not promise too much. The black old wood close to the bell contrasting the red younger wood gives it a certain X factor. Together with its nice, slim proportions, Moytze truly has the certain something!

Chris, Germany



About Royal

I understand why you called this instrument Royal. It is a King-maker! Already, within minutes am able to make fantastic sounds switching effortlessly from drone to 1st horn. How many horns are there, they seem endless! Also, vocals! Wow! Now I can see my voice being used SO much more, the smallest voice effort is amplified, is easy on toot and drone! I love it!

I am stunned by the brightness and clarity of the drone and overtones, never have I been so delighted with a first play of an instrument!

Du, I love it, we will be very happy together!

Dave, UK



About Guliver

First to say, it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen…

Zdenko, Croatia



About Kubo and Prodormo…

I was just trying the two Didjes for few minutes and was a dream. These instruments goes straight to the heart. They were talking and opening my heart. Was so sweet that I was almost crying.

Suricato, Italy



About Sakura

When you’re getting the neverending “play me, what are you waiting for? – the time is now!” gaze from your instrument on the back of your neck, you know it’s an instrument worth being friend with… Every person should have his Duende. Thanks…! =)

Kit, Croatia


About Delago…

Hi Du & Da,

I truly believe I am privileged to own and play one of your instruments, it is beautiful to look at and inspirational to play

Thank you for being who you are.



About Little Lake…

I plunged into the Little Lake
just for a casual swim,
but soon I discovered
that this swim will be different,
and take me to places deeper and richer than I imagined.

Pavel, Germany



About ArcheoAnimA

I am coming in the heaven of AAA sounds. I start to approach this new dimension of sound. Never had I such opening and deep jump in this universe of sounds which makes me so happy and deeply satisfied that you cannot imagine!
Master magic Du! I want to thank you to give me this key to these universes of heavenly sound.

Suricato, Italy



About Lord of the Waves

And I am reallllllllllllly enjoying playing my BEAUTY – just amazing response and sound possibilities – just love it more every time I play it! It is truly a miracle of SOUND! I think I like the sound even more than before ;+) (If that is even possible????)

I have been playing  a lot (of course for you a lot is 6 hours but I keep my daily dosage under 3hours;+) I am opening up and it is opening up into a real life duet harmony ;+). The instrument continues to amaze me . . . . . . . Recording with Jeffrey’s good mic let’s me begin see into the world of infinite details and colors this baby has!

Michael, Switzerland



About Bosska

Infinitely better than anything else I own, I truly want to sell everything else I own and buy another one from you… Tone is perfect, ease of toots, projection of sound… My girlfriend immediately noticed the difference…. Yes, The best (didge I have).

Jerry, USA



About Searching Snake

I just want to let you know how comfortable i feel with my new Didgeridoo.
In the beginning it took me quiet a time to really get into it.
But now, after a few weeks, this Instrument absolutely kicked me forward to a place i didn’t imagine so fast.
It seems to me, that i can connect every thing i know together, with this Didge.

Manfred, Germany



About MMM
It’s hard to find words. What a fantastic didgeridoo and absolutely perfect! Pure magic!!!!!!!!! It’s so damn beautiful and it is so easy to play. I can hit the toots without any problem and I can also breath on the toots. And the bag is also perfect – very beautiful. The whole package is really first class. A real master-piece!!!!!! It’s possible to feel the time and love you put into building it.

I never played such an beautiful instrument before. You really make me a lucky man! I’m sooooooooo happy! Now I can start practicing on a perfect instrument and I got a feeling the didgeridoo will lead me to a new level.

Mathias, Germany